Thursday, November 6, 2008

Nichole's Sweet Tea

Nichole's Sweet Tea

Take 1 large family size tea bag, (I use Tetley but any tea brand of your choice will work), and place the bag into the coffee filter receptacle.

Fill coffee carafe with water, as if you were making a full pot of coffee. Then pour into the water tank of the coffee maker. Place carafe onto the warming plate and turn coffee maker on and let it perk away.

In no time at all, you will have a full pot of tea.

Using a gallon size pitcher, add 3 full spoonfuls of sugar. I use a large cooking spoon to measure out my sugar.

Pour hot tea into pitcher and stir to dissolve sugar.

Fill pitcher with enough water to make a full gallon. Stir to mix well.

Let stand until cooled and then refrigerate. Serve chilled and enjoy!

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